Friday, February 13, 2015

DATC projects

Hi there. I am going to the Davis Applied Technology college for graphic design. Recently I have been learning about the internet and web. after each chapter I have assignments to do. The assignment after the Web chapter was to share some of my previous assignments/projects on here.
Here are a few I like the best:

Logo of my name^

Anti drug poster^

four lines from one republic's song "secrets"^

Typographic journal^

Friday, June 6, 2014

Welcome to summer party 2014

hi 'y'all {jk, I'm not western} Alexis here! I'm back with another party! this one is a little less extravagant then the last one though..... if you haven't seen the last one and would like to, here's the link : anyway, i better get the explanation out of the way first.

This year {and last} i have been in high school, and we don't have to go the very last day because of graduation, so i decided to throw a little surprise welcome-to-summer party for my brother.  last year we did this same party, but on a smaller scale.
 This year we decided to invite more people, have more water balloons, have better face paint,  a slip in slide, sprinkler, music, and some pretty sweet decorations if i do so say myself.
We told liam that my mom was "taking me to a doctors appointment" and so he had to go to his friends house until 4:00pm in which he was supposed to walk over with that friend. perfect, right? 
here's the party-
my official -welcome to summer- sign i hung in our tree

for the main decorations i put the poster, Crete paper, and water balloons either filled with-


-or shaving cream.
<side note about that-- they are so much fun! when they pop, the shaving cream stays in a balloon shape, and they're SQUISHY!!!>

our slip-n-slide

my bungee-chair that turned into our make shift water balloon launcher

last year we had one cooler full of water balloons, so this year we had THREE

-frantically tying water balloons before people got there- 
love this one:)
the kids as they start to arrive...

waiting patiently for Liam to come-

-or not so patiently...

as i said before- not so patiently waiting.

his face when he first saw the yard/ all of his friends

                                            and his even BETTER reaction when he realized that his besties from salt lake                          h                                         had traveled out to be at the party :)

let the fun... BEGIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

......but first, group photo!
..... and video!
OK, i mean it this time! let the fun commence!!

..... water balloon volleyball was a blast!
... as you can tell.

pretty soon, i couldn't keep them out of the coolers any longer, so i opened one (and sat on the others)  so they would maybe go slow and not use them all at once. (that's why my beautiful foot is in the picture)

even my camera joined in on the water fun! (as you can tell) it hasn't told me different, but i think it probably did not enjoy that....
pretty soon, they overwhelmed me like a pack of hungry wolves, and i ran away and let them use all of the coolers.

... and as you could guess- they did NoT last very long.
so then it was off to water-gun, slippin-slide, and sprinkler fun

after a while, it was time for refreshments. a whole cooler of Popsicles for a bunch of kids? perfect.

back to playing.

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so recently i got some face paint stuff for a fundraiser thing, and i decided, what the heck. I'd try to paint their faces/arms.....

and i have to say that even though i was painting faces for the majority of the party, the kids loved it.

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whilst painting faces, i told my mom to go snap some pictures of the other things going on.

and apparently they dragged all of our chairs to the middle of the street and made a "dry area" so no one could get wet while sitting on a chair. its funny how kids will work out a way to do anything.
and here is the "wet side"

after these pictures, my mom stopped taking them, and i kept painting faces, so unfortunately I didn't get more. Over all i think the party was a success, and it was so perfect because right after the kids left, it started to rain.